Rib-cage embrace
❤️ Hold me, you ask
❤️ Hold me, you ask
While soft raindrops envelop your body
The ribs, the loving fingers that tenderly embrace the lungs
Holding the rhythm of the heart
Supporting the delicate tissues and thin membranes
The rib cage embraces the valuable sensitivity.
Hug me again
Feeling a soft, warm rain on the chest, arms and lap
We open through this embrace
We breathe deeply
This is where we breathe the wind
This is where the world’s water flows
This is where intimacy resides
Just hold me
While the soft rain runs down my skin to the ground
And the long, floating rib bones move to the rhythm of the air inside
Vibrating with the heartbeat
Expanding and contracting
Inside and out
May you hold me
Let’s hold each other
Breast to breast
Heart to heart
Chest and constellation
Ribs and world
Bravely ❤️